Amelia is already 6 months old. She is getting so big!
Started rolling
notices when she is alone in the room
Has gotten way wiggly
Still smiles at everyone
She gets upset when something is taken from her or she can't get it
Loves baby food, except peaches
takes good naps
lets anyone hold her
Her feet are getting so chubby that hardly any of her shoes will even go on:)
She still loves her hands and thumb
Drools like crazy
Loves her exersaucer
She is a very even tempered baby that is mostly content with about anything
I love this little girl so much and I can't believe she has grown so fast and is getting so big. We can't imagine life without her. She is wonderful!
We took her in to the Dr's for her check up and shots last week and here are her stats
Weight: 16 lbs 4.5 oz. ~55 %
Height: 26 in.~ 58%
Head Cir: 16 5/8~ 42%
So I feel really bad that I have hardly any pictures of Amelia. I have sooo many of Olivia as a baby. I guess I better start snapping away.