I have to post a few things the girls are doing lately so that I don't forget them. I can't believe how big they both are and how fast they have grown over the past few months.
Olivia is:
Almost 3Yrs Old!
Still not potty trained
strong willed
a great big sister.
She melts my hear every day but can also put me over the top. She is determined not to go to the bathroom on the toilet. She could sit in her poop and pee all day and it wouldn't bug her a bit. I have tried many things to get her excited about going in the potty but nothing has worked. She knows when she has to go but just doesn't want to take the time to sit on the toilet. I feel that this has been the most frustrating part so far of being a mother. I can't make her do it even as bad as I want her to. I guess we will keep pushing on and trying.
Olivia has become quiet the girlie girl. She loves dresses and princess shoes and crowns and jewelry. She has to wear a dress every day and night. If she isn't in a dress it's because I made her wear something else or because the dress she wants is in the washer. I will put her to bed and a few minutes later I hear her opening her closet and the next thing you know she has a dress on.
Another phase she is going through is eating her hair. She doesn't really eat it but puts it in her mouth and sucks on it. Yes it is gross and I hope she gets over it soon.
She was also really into always having a band aid on if she had the slightest scratch or bruise. She has kinda gotten out of that one recently which is good because we were going through a lot of band aids.
Besides her obsession with wearing a dress every day she has a love for horses. She loves to play with her toy horses and watch horse movies. She looks for horses whenever we drive somewhere and she really wants to ride a horse. Lately she has gotten more of an imagination and she wants me to sing her a song about horses. Different colored horses, small horses, big horses etc. It is pretty darn cute.
a good sleeper
mild tempered
a good eater
a slobbery baby
Amelia is such a sweet baby that is always smiling. She rarely whines or cries and when she does it's because she is hungry or tired. She is getting so big! She has had a cough for a few weeks that won't go away and so we took her to the Dr and at the appointment they weighed her. She weighs 15.3 lbs! Oh she is chubby! I love it! She is becoming more aware of things and wants to grab everything. She loves her sister to death! Olivia can get her to laugh all the time. She loves the tub and hates being outside in the sun. Since she was a newborn she has always liked her face covered by a blanket and so I went and bought her a little minky couture mini blanket and she loves it. She has a hard time going to sleep without it. She isn't really rolling yet which is fine by me. I just started her on rice cereal last week and she is doing really well eating it. She has recently found her thumb. She started chewing on it and is slowly starting to suck on it. It's hard because it's so cute but I don't want to worry about it when she is older.