Thursday, March 11, 2010

Where Did My BAby Go?

I was watching Olivia play outside the other day and I couldn't believe that I no longer a baby. I have an almost toddler. She is getting so big and I love that her personality is coming out more and more each day. I feel like I have someone to talk to during the day now, well somewhat:) Here are a few pictures of her when she was younger .
Olivia loves to be outside and I know we are more than ecstatic for the warmer weather! I'm sick of being couped up inside all day every day. She is so funny with the faces she makes. When she moos like a cow she puckers up her lips. She also likes to play with any type of ball but I'm hoping that the basketball will win! Maybe that way she can have a bit of me in her somewhere. The other day we finally got her hair in PIGTAILS!!!!!! They don't stay in very well but it was so exciting to she her hair up and out of her face. At the same time I was sad bc she looks so old and big with her hair in pigtails:( She is growing way to fast!
In my last post which I know was over a month ago, I mentioned that Olivia had been sick a lot. We took her off all dairy and whey products for a month and yet she still got sick twice with a bad cold and cough. We went back to the DR. today and she still had quite a bit of fluid in her ears and her tonsils were red. The verdict? The poor little girl has to have plugs put in her ears , be tested for every possible food allergy and have her addnoids removed! It scares me so bad to have her put under but I know they are great at what they do and she'll be fine. She goes in to surgery in two weeks and hopefully she will start to finally feel better. If it doesn't work the tonsils might have to come out but for now she is way to small and young for that surgery. I'm grateful that there is something that can be done for her. I want her to feel happy and healthy which in turn would make me happy.


Becky said...

She looks so cute with those pigtails! I remember trying to put Amelia's hair in pigtails for the first time. They looked pathetic.
I'm sorry she is still sick. Ian had to get a surgery and put under when he was 1. It was sad and yes, it was scary, but it was fine. Let me know if you need anything!

hoLLY said...

i totally know how ya feel! Im sad they are growing up so fast! Time for more I guess! ha jk poor livi that sucks! but i jope all goes well for her! let us know if we can help!

Kim said...

She looks so big! Love your blog background! I hope this surgery will help her! No fun when they don't feel well! She is so darling! Love you All! Things will look up, hang in there!

Emily said...

Those pics are so cute! She is a baller! :) I am sorry to hear that she has felt so sick and has to have surgery...but at least it will help her, right? That is hard, though! I think it is harder on you than it will be on her! :)

Ehlers Family said...

I hope everything goes well with the surgery. Im sure it will. I love her personality also. Not afraid of anyone or anything. She is so cute. Need a coke run soon!

Jaimee said...

She really is getting so big. She looks like a big girl now instead of a baby. She is so dang cute. Let me know if you guys need anything. We miss you!

Steve & Heather said...

I hope the surgery goes well for her. Let me know if you need anything I bet it would be hard for a toddler to go through all of that. By the way she is gorgous!