Friday, December 11, 2009

Called To Serve

Well you would ask if I'm really old enough to have a nephew going on a mission? I guess I am old enough. We are only six years apart so don't start thinking I'm older than I am. This is Stuart my oldest and most handsome nephew. I can't believe he is leaving on a mission, where has time gone?
We are all so proud of him and his deciscion to serve the lord .
We will miss him sooo much!
We're excited for you Stu!!
Utica New York is going to LoVe YoU!!!


Brady and Audrey said...

I'm so happy he's going, but I'm so sad I don't get to see him before he leaves! He's looking so old and grown up. Where did the time go, I still remeber taking him to show and tale in the 3rd grade when he was a little baby!

Ehlers Family said...

That's awesome. Love the pic!

Abigail Call Porter said...

I love him! He will be a GREAT missionary!